I recently got a Raspberry Pi (http://www.raspberrypi.org/) and wanted to turn it into a pwn plug. Using the instructions from Pwnie Express (http://pwnieexpress.com/blogs/news/6156890-raspberry-pwn-a-pentesting-release-for-the-raspberry-pi), this was a snap.
A couple of gotcha's:
1) you have to use a 32GB HCSD card. 16GB is too small
2) not many old SD card readers will read a card this large. I had to use my mac. On my mac, when you insert the card it automounts. This kills your ability to dd an image over it. So I unmounted (not eject) the SD card first, then I could dd the image.
Installation steps were:
First, set up the Raspberry Pi to be connected to a network and enable ssh
- insert SD card
- unmount the card
- dd the original Raspberry Pi image to the card (dd if=.....img of=/dev/diskx
- boot up the debian Raspberry Pi, and enable ssh by moving the file /boot/boot_enable.ssh to /boot/boot.rc
- set the IP address by nano'ing /etc/network/interfaces. Mine looks like this:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
- put a DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf (I used Google's of
- passwd to change the passwords for pi and root
Next are Pwnie Express's instructions to install the Pwn Plug
1. Change to the root user:$ sudo -i2. Confirm your Raspberry Pi Debian release is at least 6.0:# cat /etc/debian_version3. Confirm you have internet access from your Raspberry Pi# ping google.com4. Install git:# aptitude -y install git4.5 I changed to / here (#cd /)... It makes the install cleaner5. Download the Raspberry Pwn installer from the Pwnie Express Github repository:# git clone https://github.com/pwnieexpress/Raspberry-Pwn.git6. CD into the Raspberry-Pwn folder and run the install script:# cd Raspberry-Pwn# ./INSTALL_raspberry_pwn.shThat was it! The Pwn Plug is installed! I'm going to start playing with it now.
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