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Fedora Core 5 on Dell 700m

Since I've ported to Ubuntu I don't really need Fedora anymore.   Still, this is how to install FC5 on the Dell 700m:

Install FC5 
   -Install in graphical mode, skip disk check 
   -Install to hda6 and hda5(boot) 
   -Static IP of, gw, etc 
   -Office Productivity, Software development, and Web server, customize now 
   -Applications/Sound and Video/xcdroast 
   -Development/Development Tools, GNOME SW Devel, X Software Devel KERNEL-DEVEL 
   -Servers/Network Server/VNC server, Web Server,  MYSQL Server 
   -Base/System Tools/aprwatch, ethereal-gnome, festival, gnome-nettool,nmap frontend 
   -system user uderid  password 
After Install: 
Wide Screen Monitor Fix: 
get 855resolution from yum and install it 
   -cp the file xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
   -install 855resolution-0.4-4.fc5.i386.rpm  
download Intel Pro wireless firmware version 2.4 from 
untar it into /lib/firmware 
   -download ipw2200-fw-2.4.tgz 
   -tar -czvf ipw2200-fw-2.4.tgz /lib/firmware/    
   #rmmod ipw2200 
   #modprobe ipw2200  
   -note, you might have to do the above two (rmmod and modprobe) commands upon reboot 
  ( -for WPA: 
      -edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf 
      -edit /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant 
      -restart wpa_supplicant services with network manager) 
install MySQL-shared-compat-5.0.21-0.i386.rpm  
#cd /etc/bin/ 
to start: 
#cd /etc/rc.d/init.d 
#./mysqld start 
#mysqlshow (should show you the databases you have) 
unpack kismet-2006-04-R1 in /usr/local/ 
./configure, make, make suidinstall 
edit /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf 
install pcre-devel-6.3-1.2.1.i386.rpm 
unpack gpsdrive-2.09 into /usr/local/ 
edit line 9516 of configure file from  
if $CC -dumpversion|egrep -q "^3.*" to if $CC -dumpversion|egrep -q "^4.*" 
#cd /usr/local/gpsdrive-2.09 
#./configure --disable-garmin 
#make install 
Make mySql database: 
cd /usr/local/gpsdrive/ 
#mysqlshow (to verify that your mysql is running) 
#mysql (to verify that you can actually get a mysql prompt) 
#\q  (to exit from mysql) 
some useful mysql commands: 
#mysqlshow (shows databases) 
>use geoinfo; (sets that as the default database to use) 
>show tables;  (shows list of tables in your database) 
>describe waypoints; (describes your database) 
>select * from waypoints; (basically shows database entries) 
>select * from waypoints where name regexp "Wireless"; (shows all entries where name=Wireless) 
>select * from waypoints where name like "Wire%";  (don't use = or <>, instead like or not like) 
>select name, type, macaddr where id > 120 and id < 122; (shows names taken since ID 120 was reached.  no date, so use this to sort by day) 
IF you need to change gpsdrive so that it will recognize this database, and change the password to match the gpsdriverc file: 
cd /root/.gpsdrive/ 
#vi gpsdriverc 
change user gast to root 
#mysql (should give you a mysql prompt) 
>USE geoinfo; (changes your database to geoinfo) 
>SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('gast'); 
test this to see if you can actually log into the database with your user/password by: 
#mysql geoinfo -u root -p 
then type in password.   You should get a mysql prompt.  If so, you are golden.  \q to exit. 
VMWare 5.5.2 
Install with #tar -zxvf and run (must recompile kernel, or load source code first) 
#updatedb (to get the command 'locate' to work) 
remove junk from pannel, and add terminal to the pannel 
turn on sound for events 
-Edit/Preferences/Views/Show hidden and backup files 
WiFi Radar: 
Unpack wifi-radar-1.9.6.tar.bz2
#make install or #make install /etc/wifi-radar
change /etc/wifi-radar/wifi-radar.conf to reflect eth1 vice eth2 

snort configuration:
download pcre-6.3, ./configure, make, make install
#download snort-2.6.0, ./configure, make, make install #2.6.0 did NOT work... use 2.4.5 instead!!!
download snort-2.4.5, ./configure, make, make install
download snortrules-pr2.4.tar.gz, extract, move rules to /root/snort-2.6.0/rules/ directory
update /etc/snort.conf:
      -var HOME_NET #left as any for start
      -will have to use flow tracking (going to set this up after snort gets working)
      -Commented out two lines in snort.conf to get it to run
      #preprocessor perfmonitor: time 300 file /var/snort/snort.stats pktcnt 10000
      #preprocessor xlink2state: ports {25 691}

to do: 
I've also got hibernate to work using the suspend2 kernel. You can get almost everything up and running using RPMs. The best source of info I had to tweak /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf to run 855resolution on resume. There is an example near the middle of that file and I just added "OnResume 20 /etc/rc.local". I also went ahead and did all of the framebuffer work of installing the fb RPMs and adding "vga=0x317" to my grub.conf file. This all works pretty well except that YOU MUST DISABLE DRI! This sucks because I'm a graphics nut and this was one of the main reasons I switched to FC5. Just comment out the line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that loads the dri module. Otherwise you'll be logged out of X when you resume (sporadically), which makes hibernate actually worse than a shutdown IMO. 
Okay. The last issue and I've tried freaking everything to fix is suspend to RAM. I don't think this will work on the Dell 700m, but if someone knows how let me know. I tried everything from using the acpi_sleep in grub.conf (with s3_bios, s3_late_bios and s3_mode and all combinations). I tried with and without the suspend2 kernel. I tried tweaking the pm-suspend scripts to try using vbetool dpms on, removing vbetool post, and everything else I could think of. I just cannot get this to work. Plus, it behaves differently each time. Sometimes I see a mouse pointer, sometimes the screen stays off, sometimes I see a few artifacts at the top of the screen. My guess is that FC5 and the Dell 700m just won't work for suspend to RAM


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